Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Tools of the Trade

Tool:  noun \ˈtül\ 
  1. a : a handheld device that aids in accomplishing a task (…) 
  2. a : something (as an instrument or apparatus) used in performing an operation or necessary in the practice of a vocation or profession <a scholar's books are his tools> (…)

First things first… Generally, I’m going to avoid politics in this blog.  Aside from the obvious concern for one’s right to carry a firearm and defend oneself, I really don’t care if you label yourself a Republican or a Democrat.

But here’s one point I think is important: A gun is a tool.  Nothing more, nothing less.  It is, as Webster tells us above, a device that aids in a task.  It is an instrument.  It is “used.”

I mention this because I think it helps us put guns in perspective.  They are dangerous, and need to be used responsibly, just like a saw or a hammer.  The are useful, just like a screwdriver or drill.  They are not scary, and cannot jump up and hurt you of their own volition, just as a wrench or pair of pliers cannot do anything without someone using them.

Now, to be fair, among friends we often refer to our guns as “toys.”  But properly, and for the sake of this blog, I will try to use the more appropriate term, “tools.”

So, that being said, allow me to introduce you to my tools of the trade!

First, my Ruger SP 101.  This gun is my baby, my first love (as you could probably tell from the picture at the top of the blog!).  It is a five shot, double-action revolver chambered in .357 magnum.

I love this gun.  It fits my hand perfectly, it goes where I want it to go, and boy, does it pack a punch!

Let me tell you, I love walking up to the range desk to purchase some ammunition for it, and being told, “You know you have to hold on to that, right?”

Or in my NRA Handgun Certification class, when the instructor said, “Well, you could definitely carry that, IF you can control it!”

I guess people are just surprised that I, representing the more petite end of the fairer sex, would enjoy shooting such a powerful round.  But I do!

Unfortunately, I don’t think I will try to carry the SP 101 much, simply because of its weight.  It is a heavy gun, for sure.  We’ll see though, I’ll probably at least try it to see how it goes!

Next up is my Ruger LCP.  Lightweight Compact Pistol.  Those are exactly the words I’m looking for when it comes to a gun to carry!  This pistol can carry six rounds in the magazine plus one in the chamber.  It shoots .380 ACP.  And mine has a Crimson Trace laser sight!

I love how tiny this gun is.  In all directions.  And very light, making for a great option to carry.

This one definitely took some getting used to!   Being so small and lightweight meant it took some practice to learn how to grip it effectively.  And laser sights are something else!  They’re great to use, but require a totally different strategy than what I was used to!

I really feel like I’m getting the hang of it though.  Which is important, if this is the one I’m going to carry most of the time!  You’ve got to be confident in what you’re carrying, knowing that in a high-pressure situation you’ll probably shoot half as well as you would in practice.  Not that we’re ever hoping to be in a high-pressure situation!  (More on that in future posts!)

So, most of the methods of concealed carry we’ll be trying out will be using the LCP.  However, for the sake of curiosity, I’ll try a few with the SP 101 too.  I might even throw in a few experiments with my hubby’s Springfield XDM, or whatever more compact 9mm he ends up purchasing for carrying!

What are your preferred tools?

1 comment:

  1. Okay, so I don't have any "tools"... One day I would really like to do what you're doing, but for now, with 2 (soon to be 3) little ones in tow, it will have to wait.

    But I LOVE the idea of this blog, Stina! I carry around a pair of clunky Epi-Pens that I treat like guns (seeing as they could cause the loss of a limb if injected incorrectly or even a heart attack if injected into a person too small for the dosage, i.e. my kids). It would be nice to be able to carry them on my person instead of treating my purse/the diaper bag like a deadly weapon.

    I'm excited to see what you come up with!!
